We organize your trip

Memorable India takes care of your vacation in India. Starting from planning the vacation to arranging all transports, selecting hotels, arranging guides, including special surprises to make your holiday memorable - we do it all.

Our experience with international travellers enables us to understand your requirements better and our destination expertise disciplined operational management allows us to exceed expectations every time.

I just returned from the India and Nepal trip and wanted to let you know what a great experience it was to have the tour guides Friendly Planet choose on both legs of our trip. Vishwakarma, our guide in India made my trip so much more interesting with his vast knowledge of India. It went far beyond what is typically required of any tour guide. In Nepal, Probeen provided incredible detail into the life of the Nepalese. The trip was truly an incredible experience.

Kim Barcardi

011-47051322 /+44 2081231664